more moss
Oh my GOD today was BEAUTIFUL. We had sun! Real sun! The weather was so nice and pretty and warm.So, I took a walk. The first thing I noticed was a tree covered in moss (and lichen?) The Jura is basically coated in moss - it's not at all unusual to see three or four kinds growing on a stone, a wall, in the sidewalk. Then there's the ferns sprouting everywhere... I think that it must help having so much fog -- the air is much damper, encouraging growth everywhere.
Here's the tree:

And here's the moss:

I'm quite relieved to see that those photos turned out nicely. I have suspicions that my camera has begun a slow descent, as the battery hardly holds a charge and the focus gets all confused.

See the horses?
I listened to Wilco's Yankee Hotel EP on the walk. You should too -- it's really good. How pleasant it is to find that music is even better after a few years.
This evening I'm going to a kid's house for dinner. I have to keep reminding myself of this (7 o'clock!) because otherwise I'll forget. Thanks, dad, for passing on a completely useless short-term memory to me.
You're welcome.
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