last one

I'm posting everything today, as I'll be out of town the rest of the week. I'm making a short solo trip to Dieulefit, a small town located in the low mountains of north Provence. I plan to spend three days walking, plus forcing a bit of reading at a cafe while sipping pastis in the evening sun. The first time I was in France, we spent the majority of the trip visiting Provence and the Cote d'Azur. I fell in love with the former, as so commonly happens, and I'm very excited to return.
On sunday, I spent the afternoon at the Houville's house, chatting and knitting on the porch; enjoying the wearing of my new [house]dress, my latest thrift store find, and Spanish espradilles. They have a gorgeous view off the back porch, plus a yard full of flowering trees. Heaven.

In the evening, the twins joined us for a picnic at a nearby lake. Pascal had taken me here before - a small place known only to locals. Incredibly beautiful and quiet.

Oh, and I heard a cuckoo! It sounds...exactly like a cuckoo clock. In france, cuckoos are the harbinger of spring, like robins are for us.
nice dress -- that is VERY kelly. wink!
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